Preschool daily schedule ideas
Preschool daily schedule ideas

Include an Alternative to Rest Timeįor some students, nap time just isn’t going to happen every day. This will give your students an opportunity to actively involve themselves in their learning and can help them retain the information. What if you could use some of these daily schedule ideas for preschool to enhance your instructional time as well? It can be easy to view circle time as a strictly instructional time, but in reality the best (and most effective) circle times are those that incorporate play and engage your students.įor example, if you’re introducing a new shape during circle time, try passing around a mystery box with the shape in it and ask your students to describe it. Have a Back-Up Plan for Outdoor Play Time Whether it’s a clean-up song after messy activities or a counting activity as they go from one activity to another, it’s important to have a routine in place that cues students for what’s to come and helps them focus on moving from one station to the next. Transitions can be especially messy in preschool, so put activities in place to help make the change easier. These centers can reinforce that week’s theme and should be updated frequently to ensure students don’t get bored with the same activities. Set up centers around the classroom and have your students select the one at which they’d like to play.

#Preschool daily schedule ideas free

Give Your Preschool Students Some Freedomįree play encourages cognitive development and helps children’s ability to solve problems, so be sure to include at least one free play block in each day’s schedule. Not sure which rhyme to start with? Here are some of our favorite preschool-friendly tunes.

preschool daily schedule ideas

Music is also great in that it can be combined with a number of daily activities (like circle time or calendar time) for efficiency.Įncourage your students to practice their language skills through a song or rhyme - or if you’ve got instruments, add in a layer of motor-skills practice. Incorporate music time into your daily schedule to help students work on key concepts while also getting out some of their energy. Having plenty of active play ideas for preschoolers is a must.

Preschool daily schedule ideas